Trisha Price

LEAVE A LEGACY New Life Camp exists to love, accept and introduce children and their...
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Who Our Hearts Were Made For by Connor Brantley
Who Our Hearts Were Made For This summer we looked at what it looks like...
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Camp On! Update by Jeff Beckett
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Camp On! Update I want to take a little time to bring you up to...
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Into the Unknown by Aaron Miller
Into the Unknown [kswr_testmonial tm_normal_layout="style3" icon_size="32" picture_enable="0" test_name_fsize="font-size:16px;" test_name_fstyle="font-family:Inherit;font-weight:inherit;" test_title_fsize="font-size:12px;" test_title_fstyle="font-family:Inherit;font-weight:inherit;" test_content_fsize="font-size:14px;" test_content_fstyle="font-family:Inherit;font-weight:inherit;" testi_container_margin="margin-top:0px;margin-bottom:0px;" testi_content_padding="padding-top:6px;padding-bottom:6px;"...
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Celebrate New Life by Jeff Beckett
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Celebrate New Life Awesome New Life Camp spite of COVID craziness WE ARE PLANNING A...
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Encountering Jesus by Connor Brantley
Encountering Jesus Changes Everything This summer our staff and campers are learning about encountering Jesus. ...
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Campus Update by Sam Smith
Campus Update New Life Camp's summer ministry has been thriving since it began in 1950! ...
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