Encountering Jesus Changes Everything

This summer our staff and campers are learning about encountering Jesus. When we encounter Jesus and He becomes the center of our lives, everything changes. One of the biggest changes that takes place is redirecting our worship completely to Him. We all consistently worship something. What or who we worship varies from person-to-person, but the reality is that our hearts are made to worship something.
Encountering Jesus means we come to a place where we acknowledge false “gods” that are robbing the worship of our hearts. We see from God’s word very clearly that our hearts are made for Him, and our worship belongs to Him. No other “god” is worthy of our worship. But so often our affections are misplaced in false gods. And Jesus so graciously helps us redirect those affections back to Him.
We hope and pray that you will look at your own life and ask yourself, “Is Jesus receiving all of my worship?” We also hope that you will join us in prayer for our staff and campers – that Jesus will reclaim wayward, broken hearts this summer. It cannot be said just how valuable your prayers are. Be a part of what God is doing this summer at New Life Camp in the lives and hearts of so many people by praying with us.
Encountering Jesus changes everything.